Monday, April 28, 2008

To Do List

Finish math homework
Finish reading The Things They Carried
Start reading project for The Things They Carried
Continue working on research paper and presentation for geography
Study for quiz 8
Do Vocab 161-180


For this upcoming week I will use outlining, reviewing, and research for my study skills and strategies. I will have to outline articles for my reading class because the exit exams are coming up. Outlining is an effective strategy for finding main ideas and the thesis of the article. It also helps break down the article into sections making it easier to study and remember it. Reviewing the material that I have to study for is also helpful when it comes to learning. Researching is helpful in learning, but it also requires more time which can be a struggle considering my schedule.
During the week I plan to use my time more wisely. Since finals are coming up and discipline is a must, I will challenge myself to prioritize my schoolwork and complete it. I will utilize my study skills and strategies so it can help me finish my work more effectively, not just completely. I will challenge myself to not get stressed over my schoolwork, but I also know that living up to it is easier said than done.
I hope to cross everything off on my "To Do" list, and if I do I plan on rewarding myself by going to the beach or shopping. My list is very long and I hope I can get it all done using what I learned and applying it to my schoolwork. My goal for the end of this semester is to be well prepared for every exam that I have to take.


Context clues: I figured out what the word meant because saccharine sounds like a positive word with a positive meaning
Sentence: It was disappointing to see the saccharine duo separate.

Context clues: The word frugal sounds like the word frail or small
Sentence: Among consumers, travel frequently leads the list of discretionary items sacrificed on the altar of frugality.

Context clues: Unenviable sounded like something that is not envied, but it is the opposite.
Sentence: The Supreme Court of the United States is in an unenviable position when it comes to the death penalty

Monday, April 21, 2008


During this week I will use several strategies for my reading, geography, and history class. For reading class I will use outlining to understand the articles and find the main ideas. I also have to read two chapters out of The Things They Carried and highlight important quotes. My geography text is very long and difficult to understand, so I will use SQ3R to research and review the chapter. My history class also has a rigorous text and I will use the same method for learning and reviewing.
Surveying, questioning, reading, reciting, and reviewing are the steps required in SQ3R. These steps are efficient in learning important information out of the text, and it also breaks down each section of the text making it easier to remember. Outlining has also helped with learning because it breaks down the main ideas and subtopics altogether, making it easier for reviewing.
These skills are important for what I need to accomplish because they will help me finish more effectively. These skills do take time, but they are more effective and do help me learn the material. These strategies do not work on everything but they did help me on reading textbook chapters and articles.

Weekly Calendar

To Do List:
Finish math homework
Start research paper for geography
Buy scantrons